iDepo Hawaii

iDepo Hawaii


Side Bar - News - Information

What’s changed?
Now the California CSR Board requires that reporting firms must be a CA CSR-owned firm or must register a Reporter in Charge for non-licensed entities.

What does that mean for reporters?
It means be sure to check if the agency you work for is properly registered with the state especially if they’re not California Court Reporter owned.

Click to see full image…

October 3, 2022

Discover the unique career path and benefits of being a Court Reporter

Court Reporters are known as the “Guardians of the Records.” In this unique career path, there are many benefits, including helping to preserve stories that make history.

Irene Nakamura (CEO/Founder, iDepo Hawaii) shared, “We provide stenographic court reporters who do depositions, meetings, hearings, transcriptions, arbitrations. We also provide legal videographers…to capture the video record…we pretty much are a litigation support firm.”

Court Reporters are essentially, “a guardian of the record.” Irene added, “We help attorney’s clients capture their stories that make history, in order to change the future.”

By Nikki Holbrook

March 25, 2022

iDepo Hawai‘i’s Road to Success

Raised by first generation Japanese parents, iDepo Hawai‘i’s founder Irene Nakamura grew up in a traditional culture that wanted her to focus on marriage and children — and not a career.

Choosing to break the traditional mold, Irene studied court reporting and became the first Japanese American stenographic Official Court Reporter in the federal court system in California, Central District.

With much ambition and a desire to create a supportive work environment, Irene founded iDepo Hawai‘i in 2017 to serve all Islands.

“I want to have a company that would empower my team, uplift and help them reach their own goals, and always try to improve upon themselves,” Irene says.

iDepo provides quality court reporting and litigation support. The company has grown over the years to include court reporters, legal videographers, interpreters, and technologists with offices in Hawai‘i, California, and Washington.

“It makes me happy knowing we’re contributing to the legal system,” says Irene. “Having an accurate account of the story can make or break a case. We treat each case as if it were our only one.”

The role of iDepo’s stenographers is to capture stories verbatim that make history in order to change the future.

Customizable services are available including written depositions, process servers, document preparation, and trial presentation. Moderators are provided for remote proceedings to troubleshoot technical problems and manage exhibits for lawyers so they can focus on lawyering. In a TikTok age, iDepo understands the need to create trial presentations utilizing animation, video, exhibits, etc., to aid counsel in presenting their clients’ stories to the jury Hollywood style.

“We are on the forefront of technology on the island,” says Irene. “We provide a lot of technical assistance and technical platforms to make our clients’ lives easier.”

No two clients, cases, or circumstances are the same, but iDepo’s client experience is always elevated over and above basic expectations in every interaction and cultivates a deeper relationship with people.

“We put the personal in professional, meaning we care about you and it’s with aloha,” says Irene.


iDepo Hawai‘i’s Road to Success

February 28, 2022

For what feels like forever, I’ve been so afraid of judgement that I never had the courage to celebrate my own wins. I was brought up with limiting beliefs around the life choices that were available to me… but now, I’m finally breaking free. I’m breaking the cultural mold and stepping into a life of limitless opportunity. I’ve long been a cheerleader for others, but never for myself. So, from here on out, that changes…

I was invited to co-author a book that I am SO excited about. It’s my first stab at writing, and even if I say so myself, I think I’ve done a great job! I’m firmly on the road to celebrating all wins, even my own!

I’m proud to announce I’ve signed a publishing deal for the book I’ve co-written with the amazing Brian Tracy. I hope you’ll come along with me on my journey…


CEO of iDepo Hawaii, LLC, Irene Nakamura, Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress® To Co-Author “Cracking the Success Code Vol 2” with Brian Tracy.

November 5, 2021

What is an entrepreneur? 

Someone who provides solutions to people’s problems and shares them with the world.

We are excited to share that Irene Nakamura, Founder of iDepo Reporters and iDepo Hawaii, has been featured in Valiant CEO Magazine.

Irene Nakamura – iDepo Reporters – Assisting You in All of Your Court Reporting and Deposition Needs

June 22, 2021

Read the following article from We Can magazine.

It doesn’t take a Jedi to know that iDepo is the way to handle all of your discovery needs. And it’s no mind trick that we offer e-filing, process serving, record retrieval, and the best steno reporters this side of the galaxy. As guardians of the record, come to the light side and see what iDepo can do for you.

iDepo is the way.


Thank you for supporting small businesses like ours.

Cheers to a new year to make new memories and reach new goals!

See you in person soon or if we can’t, we will see you on Zoom!

Your friends at iDepo Reporters.

Please enjoy our video 2020 Year in Review.

November 11, 2020

We are proud to announce that Colonel Kay Wakatake, first Japanese-Korean female colonel in the U.S. Army JAG Corps, has been awarded the prestigious NAPABA Military and Veteran Service Award for which iDepo Reporters nominated her.

As one of the Army’s top lawyers, Col. Wakatake, currently serves as the Staff Judge Advocate (General Counsel) for The Surgeon General of the U.S. Army, and the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Medical Command. In this role, she leads an office of 39 attorneys and paralegals and has supervisory responsibility over more than 300 legal professionals in the delivery of legal services throughout the worldwide U.S. Army Medical Command enterprise. She has been a role model to many, having overcome racism and sexism in reaching her current position. She has always maintained her poise and serves as a shining example of the thousands of Asian Pacific Americans proudly serving in the U.S. military.

There is no one else who is more deserving than Col. Kay Wakatake to be awarded this distinguished Military Service award from NAPABA.

Please join us in congratulating and celebrating this extraordinary attorney and amazing woman.


October 13, 2020

On September 18, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom approved CA SB 1146, CIVIL PROCEDURE RE: E-filing, delays of trial, and remote depositions. State law that enacted several emergency actions, such as allowing remote depositions of party witnesses, taken during these past few months due to the COVID-19 Pandemic by Gov. Newsom and state court leaders has been approved permanently. SB 1146 permanently allows remote video depositions and electronic service of process. Rather than face-to-face, in-person depositions, the presence of attorneys of record, parties to a case, or court reporters are now optional at depositions.

April 6, 2020

The CA Judicial Council today enacted emergency rules referencing civil practice. One that allows for remote depositions to proceed upon the election of the deponent or the deposing party without the court reporter being present with the witness.

Emergency Rule 11. Depositions through remote electronic means

Notwithstanding any other law, including Code of Civil Procedure section 2025.310(a) and (b), and rule 3.1010(c) and (d), a party or nonparty deponent, at their election or the election of the deposing party, is not required to be present with the deposition officer at the time of the deposition.

April 2, 2020

Updated Executive order Notice: PRESIDING JUDGE KEVIN C. BRAZILE:

March 29, 2020

Governor Newsom Issues Executive Order on Judicial Council Emergency Authority

Order would enable California Chief Justice to take emergency actions for the state’s courts to be able to conduct business during the COVID-19 pandemic

SACRAMENTO – Today, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to enhance the authority of California’s Judicial Branch to take emergency action in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.

Specifically, the executive order empowers the Judicial Council and the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court to take necessary action to be able to conduct business and continue to operate while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order does not affect any existing court order or rule.

The order allows the Judicial Branch to allow for remote depositions in every case (the law had previously required that parties be deposed in person) and electronic service of process. Additionally, the order leaves the Judicial Branch discretion to make any modifications to legal practice and procedure it deems necessary in order to continue conducting business.

“Our courts need to continue to do their business for the sake of the law and public safety, and to the extent they are able to, and it is my responsibility to do everything I can to give the Judicial Council and the Chief Justice the flexibility they need to take actions to meet this moment,” said Governor Newsom.

The California Constitution establishes the Judicial Council as the supreme administrative and rulemaking body for California’s courts.

The Judicial Council, through the Chief Justice, has recently taken actions amid the COVID-19 outbreak, including suspending jury trials for the next 60 days and issuing other emergency court orders.

A copy of the Governor’s executive order can be found here, and the text of the order can be found here.

Learn more about the state’s ongoing COVID-19 response efforts here. Visit for critical steps Californians can take to stay healthy, and resources available to those impacted by the outbreak.


Judge Brazile has ordered all Civil courtrooms in the Mosk and Spring Street courthouses closed, with the exception of four courtrooms in Mosk (1, 20, 72, and 74). Attached is the roster of the four courtrooms that will be hearing ex partes during the emergency period and which courtrooms they will cover. Ex partes in Complex will be handled remotely by Judge Nelson.

If parties or attorneys appear in Spring today, they will be directed to Mosk.


To all our valued clients:

Businesses across the country are facing the challenge of how to adapt given current public health conditions.  To address COVID-19 (Coronavirus) concerns and provide alternatives that allow for less travel and proper social distancing, we remind you that iDepo provides the option for remote or telephonic depositions so that you can continue to conduct your depositions as usual without the need to appear in person.

Our remote deposition options will provide a secure, live feed to anywhere in the country.  Three options are available:

  • Videoconference Using Your Own Equipment: Use your own equipment (cell phones, tablets or computers (laptop or desktop) with a webcam – we will provide the connection for others to attend.
  • Telephonic Deposition: Use your own telephone (cell, home, or office), receive a dedicated call-in number with a passcode.
  • Videoconference In Our Office: The deponent may come to our offices (either in El Segundo, California or in Honolulu, Hawaii) and we will videoconference or teleconference all other parties in. The deponent will be sworn in at the office and his/her counsel may choose to attend.  (Note that the health and safety of our reporters, clients, friends and colleagues is of paramount importance, so please ensure that any visitors are symptom-free and have not traveled from affected areas within the 14 days prior to the deposition.  We also observe daily sanitation schedules in our office and will keep outside visitors to a minimum during your deposition.)

To schedule with us, please call 808-664-6667 or email

We wish you, your family and your loved ones continued good health, and are happy to partner with you to achieve this!




In response to concerns regarding the Coronavirus/COVID-19, and in light of local, state and federal emergency declarations based upon the virus, Presiding Judge Kevin C. Brazile of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, announced March 13, the following recommendations to all judges and commissioners of the Court. Effective Monday, March 16, 2020:

1. All new Civil jury trials should be continued for at least 30 days and all preference jury trials should be continued for at least 15 days;
2. All Criminal jury trials, where statutory time has been waived, should be continued for at least 30 days; and
3. Limit new jury panel requests within the next 30 days due to concerns about juror availability.

The Presiding Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court does not have the authority to close the courts in the event of a pandemic, which is what we are facing now, because such emergency orders must be authorized by the Chief Justice and/or Governor. Courts are less akin to schools and more like hospitals and other emergency services that need to stay open to serve the public at all times. We are slowing down our trial court operations in a reasonable and responsible way, while still providing services that protect public health, welfare and safety.

The Court is committed to ensuring access to justice while also promoting a safe environment for all court users and staff.


• Member of National Court Reporters Association
• Member of California Deposition Reporters Association
• Member of Hawaii Court Reporters and Captioners Association
• Member of Nevada Court Reporters Association
• Member of Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles


• Womens Lawyers Association of Los Angeles – Annual Exclusive Sponsor
• Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles
• National Asian Pacific American Bar Association
• Japanese American Bar Association
• Korean American Bar Association
• Thai American Bar Association
• Perrin Conferences
• Work Injury Medical Association of Hawaii
• Hawaii Federal Bar Association
• Hawaii Claim Association


• National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF)